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Ndassie offers sustainable solar energy solutions that move people out of darkness and poverty by enabling them to generate their own income. Ndassie does this by providing impoverished communities with a safe and reliable light source and gives local entrepreneurs and small business owners the infrastructure to generate income by offering battery charge services.




Ndassie turns end-users in developing nations into self-sufficient entrepreneurs.


Ndassie offers sustainable solar energy solutions that move people out of darkness and poverty by enabling them to generate their own income. Ndassie does this by providing impoverished communities with a safe and reliable light source and gives local entrepreneurs and small business owners the infrastructure to generate income by offering battery charge services.


The challenge is to make solar light and energy accessible to remote villages in developing nations and create local job opportunities by launching concept stores on field in Africa.


Globally, UNEP says over 1.3 billion people live without access to electric light, while 25 billion liters of kerosene are used annually to fuel the world’s kerosene lamps, costing 23 billion USD each year. Yearly costs for the use of kerosene per household are 70 USD on average. The shift from these inefficient light sources is vital in order to increase safety and productivity of these energy deficient regions while preserving our planet from CO2 emission.




"Universal energy access is a key priority on the global development agenda. It is a foundation for all the Millennium Development Goals”
-UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon

We provide the tools necessary to grant people access to the energy necessary to sustain basic human needs. By partnering with other social entrepreneurs and organizations, we seek to work together to bring the Bottom Billion out of the dark via Ndassie energy solutions.

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